College World VOL. 85 No. 2October 10, 1968 Why do freshmen football players come to Adrian "fired up" to play, and after only a year or two on the team, give it up as a lost cause? It is amazing that these same ball players who were stars in their respective high...
WVAC, New Campus Radio Station In Operation
Hats off to Dr. Lillian Preston and her fellow workers. It is due to their efforts that WVAC, The Voice of Adrian College, is now a reality instead of a dream.College World VOL. 77 Number 3October 14, 1960 Hats off to Dr. Lillian Preston and her fellow workers. It is...
One last look back at 1988
College World VOL. 104 Number 13 January 19, 1989 by Allen Lee Haff ‘92 Glasses were raised, a toast was made. Inhabitants of the crowded room silenced themselves just long enough to slurp down the remnants of their handheld beverage. Screams of excitement rang out,...
Greek Speak
College World VOL. 104 Number 18February 23, 1989 Alpha Phi The Sisters of Alpha Phi have been busy this past week with several programs, meetings, and fun activities. Our District Governor, Judy Brown, spent the weekend with us, getting to know our...
— Woof, Woof — Adrian College mascot history is a mystery
Oh where, oh where did Adrian College’s (AC) mascot name “Bulldogs” come from? Who decided a Bulldog would be Adrian College’s mascot and why was its name changed over the years from T.C. (The Champion) to Thundar and then Bruiser?